Monday, December 14, 2015

Final Lab Write Up! #reflection #psuaged16

Well, today is the day. The day that I give my final presentation about how I have grown as an educator and how I am ready to go out and conquer the world of agriculture education. It is hard to believe how time has passed and now I am here. 

This blog post is meant to be a reflection about my time in AEE 412 and some of my biggest takeaways. Instead of listing everything, I will be giving you my top five reasons why I feel as if I am prepared for student teaching. 

1) I have learned how to incorporate variability in my lessons to make my students enjoy through different aspects of my teaching. Without the thoughtful process of Rosenshine and Furst's Characteristics of Teaching Effectiveness, I don't know where I would be! 

2) I have grown as a teacher and a student! The hardest part about being an agriculture teacher, in my opinion, is the content knowledge. Throughout this semester I have been a student trying to create content to be a teacher. I know that next year will also be a learning process, but I am up for the challenge.

3) I have grown to appreciate my connections that I have in the agriculture education world. As I have been creating lesson plans and getting ready for student teaching, it has been difficult in understanding where I can find information. Teachers have been so supportive in the pursuit of making my find materials as easy as possible.

4) Delivery of my presentation has grown to where I fully talk and listen to myself as a teacher. I have grown to appreciate the knowledge and skills of how to "walk, act, and talk" like a teacher and can apply that next semester as well! 

5) Feedback. This has been a crucial element in my growth and understanding. I have been able to take feedback and apply it in my next lessons in a positive manner. For that, I am so thankful for that opportunity. 

 If you would like to watch a short sneak of my lab video, please take a look below! 

Next time you read this blog, it will be about student teaching and where I am at right now. 

Talk to you later Ag Ed Fam!