Sunday, August 30, 2015

Snap Shots for Teaching! #AEE412 #psuaged16

With large amounts of reading assignments in various classes, reflecting on what I read is vital for the understanding of the subject matter. By blogging each week about the various readings, I will be able to think, reflect, and the share with my peers! Hang in there with me as the reading assignments come, just know that I am making it short and concise for you instead of your reading them all! Enjoy!
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So instead of me listing out every little detail that I read with these assignment, I will be giving you 5 main points or snap shots that I took out of the reading! So watch your eyes, the snap shots are coming your way!

Snap Shot Number One:
The most important thing to establish the first week of school is CONSISTENCY.

This couldn’t be truer for us first time teachers just entering the work world. To be an effective teacher, you have to set up boundaries and expectations for your students so that they form into habits. By starting these early, you can set up your classroom for success, rather than chaos!
Snap Shot Number Two:

Fantasy, Survival, Mastery, Impact

No, this is not a plot to a movie or book rather a map of the four stages of teaching. Depending on where you are in these four stages describes what type of teacher you are. So for example, in the “Fantasy” stage you are wanting to relate and be friends with your students rather than a guiding influence rather than in the “Impact” stage you aren’t fully reaching the full potential of getting to know your students. You were hired to impact, inspire, and TEACH these kids. Finding a balance in these four stages is exactly where you want to be in my opinion.
Snap Shot Number Three:

Put your passion into your teaching
Showing your students that you are passionate and excited about what you are teaching will inspire them to try their best and push themselves (at least that’s what I would hope would happen!). We need to invest time into preparing our lessons and making them relatable to our students to see the maximum growth in the classroom!

Snap Shot Number Four:

A huge common thread in all of the articles this week were striving for teachers to be prepared and ready to teach in the classroom. Prepare your lesson plans, be organized, and most importantly have fun.
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Hope you enjoyed! There will be more to come with the readings! 
 Stay Golden and enjoy these last few days of summer weather!



1 comment:

  1. Olivia
    Good Job! I suggest you think about giving titles to these posts that can help you remember what they were about in the Spring. Also, be sure to use labels so you can search for key terms.

    It would make this more valuable if it was not so general and included some specific examples of what you might include in the Spring during practice...I would even recommend you "citing" the source of the ideas/articles or including direct links to them.

    Keep up the good work!
