Wednesday, September 16, 2015

I speak like an Italian: Lab Numero 2 #labchat #psuaged16

One of the senior courses that pre-service teachers are required to take is AEE 412 also known as “Methods of Teaching Agriculture.” During this class, students are able to prepare lesson plans and teach to practice their classroom management and work on their teaching skills. During the course of this class, I will be reflecting on how my lessons went to help better me as a teacher. Enjoy!
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The first day of school brings back so many great memories. Reuniting with old friends, back to school shopping, looking your best to impress, and of course the new classes that you are able to take! It is an opportunity to start out the first day as one of the BEST days as a student.

In our lab this week, we had to demonstrate what we would do on the very first day of school with the new students! I learned a lot about my teaching style when I want to show my energy and excited but the down fall is..... I speak like my mother. Yes, that day has come where I can watch myself and see the similarities of the women that has been an inspiration in my life.

I speak like an Italian.
From a young age, I knew that my family was special. When I was able to see them, they were loud, exciting, and of course just loved spending time with each other. Growing up in a family lifestyle like that, it is surprising to see how much I have brought that into my teaching. Watching myself walk around the room, being loud and obnoxious, even flailing my arms during some points. After watching my lab, I have learned that I can be exciting BUT I need to slow down and stop using hand signals constantly. It led to be more of a distraction than an aid in the class.

I need to SLOW down with explanations
When explaining directions to the students about the activities we were going to do, some were hesitant and unsure with what was actually happening in the class. After the second time they did the activity, they were ready to go and confident with what they are doing. They suggested that I slow down with the directions and explanations for better understanding about what was going to happen in the class. I took this matter seriously and I want to try and map out a "script" of delivering a message across to my students. I believe that if I give direction, explain/demonstrate an action, and then repeat the directions, students will have a better understanding of what is going on in the class.

Future Expectations
I enjoy these labs because they help me focus on growing as a learner and a teacher. So, where do we go from here? I want to practice delivering directions and messages to others on a day to day basis. Whether my peers need help or they have a question I want to be slow and concise so that they understand. I also want to bring out my Italian flare in a more centered energy that does not have me bouncing all over the room like a cannoli! I need to direct that energy towards my students for their learning and growth.

Overall, I had a great time delivering this lab to my students! I look forward to perfecting my teaching strategies as the labs move forward.


  1. Olivia it was a blast being in your group for the first day of school lesson! You bring so much excitement and passion to the classroom. You certainly are going to have no trouble during your student teaching experience. I did notice you could work on your clarity when giving instructions. Overall great job!

  2. Olivia, I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog haha. You are such a joy and that shows through your teaching. I loved watching your video of your lab. I felt you had great activities and you have a great way of motivating students. I as well talk a lot with my hands, and they are constantly going all over the place. So don't feel alone there. With continued practice we will all improve and become amazing teachers. Keep striving, I will be here to support you!

  3. I love your blog style! You and your Italian speaking, though speedy, will keep students engaged no doubt! Clarity of instruction is hard, I struggle with it as well. Use signal words to help you trigger students in direction sets. Keep being awesome Ms. Murphy-Sweet, your energy is contagious!

  4. Olivia,

    Sarete Impressionante



  5. Olivia! I love your energy and passion! We have all had teachers who were not excited or happy, so don't be afraid to use your passion! What you need to do is "funnel" or "channel" this excitement into the lesson. Clarity of instruction will certainly come with time, practice and experience! We all have to work on that, so we can be helping each other and keeping ourselves accountable to work on giving clearer directions. Great blog post!

  6. Olivia,

    You had a fantastic lesson! I loved watching it! You bring such enthusiasm to your lessons! You did a great job reflecting and covered all my thoughts after I watched your lesson! Great job!

  7. Olivia,
    I'm sure your lesson was awesome, I know from experience that you tend to talk fast but that is something that you will definitely be able to work on! keep it up
