Monday, November 2, 2015

Inquiry Based Instruction #weeklyreflection #aee412

You know as teachers, we all have some tricks up our sleeves for our students! One of those tricks is IBI. So what is IBI you may wonder? Well let me tell you! It is called Inquiry Based Instruction. It is a type of instruction that allows students to think through questions to solve a problem at hand. It is also a type of an instruction that can be difficult to teach, but it provides a lot of opportunities for students to learn by solving things themselves and thinking through problems.
Inquiry Based Instruction is interesting as well when it comes to processing the problems at hand. There are five steps that can help any student through IBI. Those steps are as follows:

1.       Question
2.      Investigate
3.      Utilize Evidence in order to describe, predict, and explain
4.      Connect evidence to previous knowledge
5.      Share Findings
The reason why this is so effective, according to some studies, is because it is a logical way that we as humans think through out problems and try and find solutions. In a study by Warner and Myers in an article titles “Implementing Inquiry-Based Teaching Methods” it outlined a new system that all teachers should use when putting IBI in their lessons. The list is:
1)      Start the Inquiry Process
2)     Promote Student Dialogue
3)     Transitioning between small groups and classroom discussion
4)     Intervening to clear misconceptions or develop students understanding of content material
5)     Modeling scientific procedures and attitudes
6)     Utilizing student experiences to create new content knowledge
Wow what a list right?
After reading all of the articles this week it is interesting to see what type of facilitation for learning can happen in the classroom and lab setting. I am excited to develop my lessons in to push my students to think through problems to facilitate in their learning!

That’s all for this week Ag Ed Fam!

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