Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Eastern Region PAAE Meeting #LetsChat

Ah, the smell of spring and Ag teachers are in the air as I went to the Eastern Region PAAE Meeting at Garden Spot High School. Not only did I have an awesome drive through Lancaster County, I was able to hang out with some awesome teachers for the night to remind me how crucial it is to join our teacher organization. Every time I walk into these meetings I have been given a chance to participate and share out to feel what it is like to be an actual teacher (it’s right around the corner!)

As Mr. Ruvarac and I made it to the meeting, we walked into a room that was filled with over 25 Ag teachers and guests present to participate in the meeting. Here were the highlights that I gathered from the meeting:

-          The summer conference that PAAE is hosting by the famous DBitty, is kind of a big deal. Although I am not teaching right after graduation, I know that this conference will teach me so much about myself, development of my teaching/lessons, and also I can check out where Ms. Herr was teaching for her student teaching experience.

-          State Workforce Development Initiatives have been forming between the Department of Agriculture and Education, PAAE, and Penn State Agriculture Education. Although this might not seem like a big deal, it can change how we work in the future and it is a pretty big deal!

-          Last but not least, I was able to catch up with a friend of mine who actually works for the Center of Dairy Excellence in the education programming department. Her and I planned her next trip to Saul which is awesome for us because I can brag about how great my school truly is!

As the night concluded, I recognized that these meetings are crucial to be a part of because we are all one big family of agriculture educators! It is a unique industry that provides us with the professional development we need to bring to the classroom for our students!
Talk to you next time Ag Ed Fam!

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